
Jump to: Cookery - Equipment - Oven temperatures - Listings


You can't learn to cook (well not easily) from a book or a website, you need a tutor and a kitchen, and some people to give you feedback on your cooking. Even recipes need experience (just what is a "medium onion"?) to make them work. Where our recipes are measurement critical this is noted, otherwise minor variations should not spoil your food. So cooking is as much art and experience as it is technology and science.

However, some data and instructions on basic techniques can be very helpful.

Converting Gas Mark to temperatures

Ovens vary but you only need guidance to get you going, experience will give you the fine tuning.

Gas Mark Description Deg Celsius Deg Farenheight
1/4 Very slow 110 225
1/2 Very slow 125 250
1 Slow 140 275
2 Slow 150 300
3 Moderate 165 325
4 Moderate 180 350
5 Moderately hot 190 375
6 Moderately hot 200 400
7 Hot 220 425
8 Hot 230 450
9 Very hot 240 475


We don't have any posh stuff. Just a couple of Le Creuset heavy pans, a wok, a frying pan, two or three saucepans, a garlic crusher, a corkscrew, a potato masher and a rolling pin. Plus a few spatulas.
We do have a food blender (getting on a bit now, and an ancient microwave), but most recipes are quite "manual".

The listings

Alphabetical Index A simple list by alphabetical order of the title.

Courses Index Recipes grouped under Starters, Main Course, etc..

World Regional Index A straight list by geographical area (not quite continents) of the world.

The Student Survival Guide A listing of the easiest recipes.

And with special thanks to Traidcraft plc.: Recipes for Change.